Echoes of Magic by Nikita Rogers
Echoes of Magic by Nikita Rogers
Series: Whisper of Witches #1
Published by Indie on 26 September 2022
Genres: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Romance
Pages: 323
Format: eBook
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Ana Davenport never believed in magic.

It was something that only existed in the pages of storybooks and scribed into legends, but it wasn’t real. It wasn’t, until Ezra Sullivan walked into her world and turned her life, and her heart, completely upside down.

Now, she is a witch, with an untameable amount of magic running through her veins that seems determined to obliterate everything around her, while simultaneously pulling her down into the darkness from whence it came.

With what little time she has left, Ana must learn to control her newfound magic, before it is too late.

Echoes of Magic; a witchy paranormal romance by new indie author, Nikita Rogers

A simple work assignment turned deadly for Ana. A broken relationship with her best friend, a fresh scar across her stomach, and a deathly touch, she grapples with the sharp new direction of her life and the power swirling inside of her. Faced with the challenge of controlling the magic before it controls her, she is forced into this new world in a literal baptism of fire. As darkness descends, Ana fights to save what little she has left; Ezra and her soul.

“I find it amusing how the source of all this chaos is sitting on the ground talking to a mouse.”


Echoes of Magic was a fun, quick read. Although it wasn’t a book that I needed to plow through in one sitting, it hooked me well enough to read its 324 pages (Kindle edition) in about three days. The magic system is easy to understand and there aren’t a lot of complicated concepts to muddle through which is always a bonus for my fried brain at the end of a long day.


I wanted to give Ana a good shake through the first half of the book and Ezra was asking for a sharp slap upside the head with his quasi-friend zoning business, ugh. But, dark Ana is a bit of a badass and the ending of Echoes of Magic paved the way for a gloriously tortured Ana. She is already struggling to resist the numbing allure of her power within so there’s no doubt that she will be faced with a multitude of moral dilemmas and hard choices.

In Echoes of Magic, we are also introduced to the coven council members, Silas, and Abby. There is definitely something fishy going on with Ezra and Anora, ew. And there’s more to Silas that I hope will be revealed in the next book. I’m a big fan of Abby’s character and I loved her role in the story.

“If I sit with you in the rain, will you come inside and get back to work?” he asked, looking down at her. “Without me having to break your bones?”
“Yes.” Ana grinned.

I don’t know if it’s just me but, I get the feeling that there’s a hidden, darker side to Ezra. I have a suspicion that everything isn’t as it seems with him. He seems almost too nice. Maybe he and his father were actually colluding together? Or maybe he is just a super decent guy? Let me know if you picked up on that vibe or not. I do like a bad boy so maybe I’m just projecting…


Nikita Rogers does a good job at incorporating popular themes and tropes in Ana’s story. From Ana and Ezra’s ‘insta-love’ to Ana’s ‘fish out of water’ paranormal experience, Echoes of Magic slots well into the paranormal romance genre. And, with the introduction of Silas, there is a bit of a love triangle vibe that fans of the trope will like (I personally don’t care too much for a love triangle drama).

The Tropes…

  • Magic
  • Witches
  • Hidden/Secret Power
  • Hidden/Secret Identity
  • Love Triangle-ish vibe (maybe for book 3?)
  • Dark Secrets
  • Forced Proximity
  • Prisoner
  • Slow Burn
  • Fish out of Water

Is Echoes of Magic spicy?

There are spicy scenes though it’s more of a slow burn and Ana (or rather dark Ana) has more exciting tension with Silas than with Ezra. But I’m not sure where the spicy level is going to go for the next instalment given how this book ended. There are a lot of loose ends to tie up and Silas is too yummy to go without staring in any spicy scenes of his own.
