Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Mansicalco
Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco
Series: Kingdom of the Wicked #3
Published by Hodder & Stoughton on 27 September 2022
Genres: Fantasy Romance
Pages: 320
Format: eBook
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Emilia is reeling from the shocking discovery that her twin sister, Vittoria, is alive. But before she faces the demons of her past, Emilia yearns to claim her king, the seductive Prince of Wrath, in the flesh. Emilia doesn’t simply desire his body, she wants his heart and soul—but that’s something the enigmatic demon can’t promise her.

When a high-ranking member of House Greed is assassinated, Emilia and Wrath are drawn to the rival demon court. Damning evidence points to Vittoria as the murderer and she’s quickly declared an enemy of the Seven Circles. Despite her betrayal, Emilia will do anything to solve this new mystery and find out who her sister really is.

Together Emilia and Wrath play a sin-fueled game of deception as they work to stop the unrest that’s brewing between witches, demons, shape-shifters and the most treacherous foes of all: the Feared.

Emilia was warned that when it came to the Wicked nothing was as it seemed. But, have the true villains been much closer all along? When the truth is finally revealed, it just might end up costing Emilia her heart.

Two curses.
One prophecy.
A reckoning all have feared.

And a love more powerful than fate. All hail the king and queen of Hell.

The twisty final instalment to the popular Kingdom of the Wicked trilogy, now with extra spice!

The Kingdom of the Feared is the final book of the Kingdom of the Wicked trilogy by Kerri Maniscalco and is wrapped in a tangled web of secrets from the beginning. You need to read the first two books of this series before you get to KOTF, so save this page in your TBR bookmarks folder (I know you have one) and come back when you’re caught up. There are Book One and Book Two spoilers below!

So, what’s Kingdom of the Feared about anyways? (But be quick about it)

Rocked by the discovery that her sister isn’t dead, Emilia soon questions her entire existence as she uncovers secret after dark secret. Now she has to work through a bone-deep wound of betrayal while she tries to find a way to break the curse trapping her king’s heart and solve a suspicious murder that is being pinned on her sister. It’s a wild ride.


Kingdom of the Feared wraps up (mostly) all loose ends very nicely, but that does mean that there is a bit of exposition/discovery that adds some denseness to the story. It is not a breezy read but it’s well worth the brain power required. I’ve read books of a similar size in less than half the time it took for me to get through this one but that doesn’t mean it’s no less enjoyable. But, since I suspect there may be other fellow mood readers reading this review, it’s something to keep in mind; make sure you’re ready for a dense fantasy so you can really reap all the rewards this story has to offer.


Emilia, apologies, Lady Emilia really comes into her own in this book. She faces some hard decisions and struggles with torturous truths, but she comes out the other side of her hardships with a truer sense of self than she’s ever had. And Wrath, though he’s a possessive demon Prince of Hell, he lets her find her own way and make her own choices and I love him for it. Maniscalco reveals the full picture of his backstory and it’s just so deliciously depressing and makes the HEA well worth the wait.


There are so many elements of the Kingdom of the Feared that are inspired by mythology, namely Greek mythology, and I’m a big fan. (Although, one thing that irked me was the re-spelling of Circe to Sursea but it’s just a me thing.) Kingdom of the Feared is full of surprises, shock discoveries, and murder mystery sub-plot that will keep you on your toes until the last chapter.

Hit me with the tropes!

  • Hidden/Secret Identity
  • Hidden/Secret Ability
  • Dark Secrets
  • Gods/Goddesses
  • Demons
  • Shifters
  • Royalty/Court Intrigue
  • Magic
  • Mythology inspired
  • Amnesia/Hidden Memories
  • Cursed
  • Mystery

Is Kingdom of the Feared spicy?

Although this series started out with very little spicy action, our mate Kerri turned it up to 11 with this final instalment. Get a fresh glass of milk ready, guys and gals.

Is it the spiciest thing I’ve ever read? No.
But does it tick my boxes, so to speak? Yes. Yes, it does.
No spoilers but…magic play. That’s all you need to know.

I’m praying to the book gods that Ms. Maniscalco follows through on her blatant teasing in the last chapters of TKOTF and creates a related series focused on on the other house – especially Envy, Pride and Vittoria.
