Dark Prince by Callie Rose
Dark Prince by Callie Rose
Series: Chosen by Lucifer #1
Published by Indie on 9 September 2022
Genres: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Romance
Pages: 364
Format: eBook

My new billionaire boss is hot as sin. He also happens to be the devil himself.
And there’s only one thing he wants…
I never meant to get caught stealing a priceless artifact from Lucas Hale, Los Angeles’s most notorious playboy billionaire. And I definitely never expected him to offer me a job as a way to pay off my debt.
But if it keeps me out of jail, I can play the role of assistant to this cocky, gorgeous man. It can’t be that hard, right?
Even if the chemistry between us is so intense that just being in the same room with him makes my blood heat.
Even if I accidentally walk in on him “taking care of himself” during my first week in the office… and I swear I hear him groan my name.
Even if I don’t quite understand how he moves so fast when he saves me from a psycho who tries to attack me on the street.
On second thought, maybe I’m in over my head with this new job. Because I’m starting to get the feeling there’s a lot more to Lucas Hale than meets the eye. A darker, more dangerous side of him than anyone knows.
And the most terrifying part?
That’s the side of him that tempts me.

Scroll to end for tl;dr summary
POV– Dual, First Person – Sophie & Lucas
Ending – Cliffhanger

Dark Prince by Callie Rose is an entertaining paranormal romance that made me want to make sure I end up in hell when I die because…well… Lucifer.


I picked up Dark Prince off the back of a really successful but intense high fantasy romance streak and I just needed an easy read with simple world building and a fast plot. Dark Prince 100% fit the bill. It hooked me from the beginning, dropped enough high stakes conflicts to keep up my interest, and built up to an epic cliffhanger that left me wanting more.


Although Sophie (FMC) and Lucas (MMC) were a touch predictable and fairly stereotypical paranormal romance characters (not that there’s anything wrong with that), they were still solid characters with well crafted chemistry on the page. Sophie was totally relatable (I mean the customer service/hospo stuff – so true!) and I enjoyed her voice throughout the story. There are also hints throughout indicating that there may be something more to Sophie and/or her connection to Lucas which adds a nice touch of mystery to the plot.

Lucas… well he is just a classic broody billionaire/Prince of Hell. There’s not much else to say besides yum.


  • Billionaire, Alpha Male

  • Hidden/Secret Identity

  • Boss/Employee Romance

  • Betrayal/Deception

  • One Bed

Is Dark Prince spicy?

Yes, Dark Prince ticks the spicy box. There is a healthy amount of spicy spice throughout the story which starts within the first quarter-ish of the story (helloooooo office scene). The explicit scenes are well balanced within the plot which is nicely layered with concurrent conflicts. The intense spicy scenes really adds to the drama. Lots of well written tension and spice! *two thumbs up*.

My Thoughts

Dark Prince by Callie Rose was the perfect easy read for my poor fried mom brain. Enough twists and turns to keep the plot flowing nicely without having to bend over backwards trying to understand a new magic system or world. Callie created relatable characters with undeniable chemistry that were a delight to read. Dark Prince is a solid paranormal romance with plenty of action, a heavy dose of spice, and a sprinkle of mystery. If you like paranormal romance, you will like Dark Prince by Callie Rose.

tl;dr review summary

  • easy, fast-paced paranormal romance

  • spicy spice!

  • boss/employee

  • touch of mystery (all is not as it seems)

  • completed series